This is a prx which works under devhook and can cheat every devhook-compatible game under firmware emulation This works trought raw-relative cheat codes like action replay, codebreaker, gameshark, xploder, etc. Other than this, it has support to other function which are usefull for cheat finder and normal users (like battery, cpu/bus clock, devhook version, ms free/total space information)
The latest updates are always available on and
The latest database version is available from
If you make a cheat we would like to add it on the main database

if it's a long cheat or if you have a lot of cheats just contact me
if you found any bug just report it on bugzilla:
This project originally started in march with some
simple tests of prx functionality (like loading 1.50
vsh) then with the help of sincro (which developed
a loader and a cheat searcher) it evolved in a cheat
device. But later in April this was discontinued because I couldn't anymore contact sincro and problems with runumd.Then... devhook with firmware emulation came... and also some prxs appeared... so i decided to take againthat project and i ported successfully it to devhookas a builtin prx without any loader (so the old loader was removed from the project) and now it works as a
in-game menu and cheat device.