Posted By: Sterist
- [ALL] now there is an header with the index (addr, +byte, ASCII) in the memory editor
- [ALL] now it's possible to choose if ASCII should be shown on screen in the memory editor with ASCII ENABLE = 0/1 in the
- [ALL] now it's possible to choose the number of bytes shown on screen in the memory editor (0-13 with ASCII enabled, 0-17
with ASCII disabled)with MEMEDIT BYTES= # where # is the number of bytes
- [ALL] added checks in the memory editor for the starting adress to avoid going out of range
- [ALL] added effectively L/R scrooling support in the memory editor. they will scroll of -/+ 0x10000
- 0000017 [ALL] added a simple text insertion method which you can navigate with LEFT/RIGHT and change text with UP/DOWN.
Middle dots are considered end of line, everything modifyied after then will be discarded.
- 0000017 [ALL] Now it's possible to edit cheat names. To do so press R TRIGGER + CROSS while selecting the cheat name you
want to change. To discard changes press O (or X if you swapped buttons) and to confirm changes press X
(or O if you swapped buttons)
- [ALL] now the cheat search menu will allow the user to press UP when selecting the first option to get to the latest one
and viceversa (just like most of the other menus)
- [ALL] new options in the cheat search menu: start text search and continue cheat search. They are meant to start and
continue a search for a text
- 0000017 [ALL] Added a text search system. It supports up to 30 chars, and can search ASCII/UNICODE/ASCII+UNICODE
encoding and can be case sensitive/unsensitive
- [ALL] The text search system can autosense if it has to make unicode or ascii codes (unicode codes skips the second byte).
A codeline is made for each char and the current char is copied as value.
- [ALL] changed the space used by the db reading functions to <= 128kb (this space is alloched during bootup and freed after
right on!! cheat away 
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