Posted By: aTomIC
NJ done it again and ported/updated his emulators for the PSP Slim. CPS1PSP is a Capcom Play System 1, CPS2PSP a Capcom Play System 2, MVSPSP a SNK Neogeo MVS (arcade machine) and NCDZPSP a SNK Neogeo CD emulator.
He wrote (bad Google translation
- ver.2.2.1 -
Everything: When failing in opening the ROM file, because processing is strange, correcting the bug which has been frozen.
MVSPSP: Correcting the bug which sound has stopped being played back at portion of the game where cash had become unnecessary.
MVSPSP: Correcting the bug where the character transforms with the small game of size.
CPS1PSP and NCDZPSP were added, but because it cannot guarantee operation, please acknowledge.
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