Posted By: wraggster
New game coming soon that sounds great, heres the info:
CollecTic is a game by Jonas Hielscher
The game CollecTic is developed as a part of my graduation project for the Masters program Media Technology at Leiden University in 2006. The game is developed for the Sony PSP and uses the standard features of the console, especially scanning for wireless access points to the Internet.
The game concept
CollecTic can be played anywhere, where WLAN access points can be found by a PSP. The objective of the game is to search for different access points, to collect them and to combine them in a puzzle in order to get points. In the game, the player has to move around in her/his local surrounding, using her/his PSP as a sensor device in order to find access points. By doing this, the player is able to discover the hidden infrastructure of wireless network coverage through auditive and visual feedback.The game is designed as a single player game, but it can be easily played competitive after each other or at the same time with two PSPs.
Finding and collecting access points
If the PSP receives a signal of a wireless access point, the point will be visualized as a geometric figure (square, triangle or circle) with a specific color and size. The form and color are defined by the unique Media Access Control address (MAC address) of the access point. The size of the form is determined by the signal strength of the access point. If a player wants to collect a bigger form s/he has to come closer to a spotted access point. All visible figures are starting to blink and to play a sound after each other. The length of time a figure blinks, depends on the strength of the signal. The kind of sound depends on the form and color: the form determines the waveform of the sound (sine, triangle or square wave); the color determines the note (frequency) of the sound. If the player presses the button corresponding to the figure that lightens up, s/he collects the figure, meaning the access point. The collected shapes will be placed in the big black square on the screen. During the game, an access point can only be collected once. So, in order to find new access points the player has to move around.
The puzzle in the black square
The collected figures in the black square can be arranged in a grid of three by three. If a maximum amount of nine shapes is collected, or if the player presses the x button, the grid will be checked for three equals in a row. The rows will be checked for same shapes and same color. Combinations of same shape, color and size give extra points. Several equal rows at the same time will also give extra points (Combo bonus).
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