Any seasoned gamer who owns a Wii is probably familiar with this scenario. Family has come to visit and so you bust out the “Wii Sports” and start in with a round of boxing. You, with years of gaming under your belt, hold the motion controllers in your hands and punch the air with careful precision and thoughtful timing. Meanwhile, your 6-year-old niece grips the controllers with pint-sized zeal and flails her arms with all the thought and precision of a goose on fire … and thusly proceeds to beat you at this game time and time again.
Playing goofy games with friends and family is fun and watching people flail about is always amusing. But if you’re a gamer’s gamer, it’s not exactly the kind of experience that’s going to sell you on motion controls. As soon as your niece leaves, you may just shove the Wii into the closet to gather dust.
Nintendo’s motion controls have done the seemingly impossible: They’ve turned non-gamers into gamers in droves and they’ve made video gaming a social, family affair like never before. But meanwhile, seasoned, adult gamers — the hardcore gamers specifically — have abandoned the Wii in droves, aggravated by the lack of precision in the controls, not to mention the lack of games that cater to their interests.