Posted By: wraggster
Been a while since we had a commercial demo, heres a new one to enjoy and you can preorder from Play Asia should you like it enough.

Your link with your partner is the key element to victory in this 2D fighter. Choose two from the twenty four main characters from Bleach and form a tag team. Switch from one fighter to the other anytime you want at the expense of your tag gage. When the tag gage fills up completely, launch limit breaks on your opponents' team and be rewarded with a cool, fully voiced video clip. In this limitless condition, your partner and your attacks join together as one, and it is several times more powerful than single limit break.
When you decide to play the game alone, activate the story mode. The scenes and events are modeled loyally after the original manga. The animation from shi-kai to ban-gai are rendered seamlessly for the series's fans' enjoyment.
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