September 25th, 2007, 17:46 Posted By: mikebeaver
Weltall has updated his BETA of CWCheat for 3.71 today it now has a lot more functionality over the release of the last BETA.
You can download it from Here
As usual, many thanks go to weltall for being so damn quick with the updates to this, keep it up man.
Here is the latest Info's/
With this release all these functions are working:
1) screenshoot (normal and fast mode), brightness changer (5th level on lites),
2) frame counter,
3) remapsp,
4) cheating with pops and normal engine,
5) usb,
6) memory dump,
7) clock changer (cpu/bus),
8) informations about memory stick/power informations,
9) memory editor,
10) disassembler,
11) various cheat serching methods and many others (pratically almost all)
This is what i come up after a lot of checking in nid tables and without powering on the psp
for the entire process :P
As some may know i didn't update to 3.71 yet because of the missing 1.50 kernel but these
are personal reasons and doesn't matter with cwcheat.
So i've to thanks for those who tested it (mikebeaver, jamesbdx, robertfissk from malloc.us
irc network) and i was really lucky as it worked at the first try 
overwrite the cwcheat.prx and cwcheatpops.prx in the seplugins folder and enable them in
plugins. if you don't need cheat searching functions use the lite versions.
If you want to do a donation you may use this link:
-added normal prxes and pops prxes
-added new brigthness and power lock/unlock nids so now it's all working normally
Known bugs:
-Home return may not work. it was reported that disabling cheats help in this. I will be
able to look in the issue after the release of the 1.50 addon for 2.71
For more information and downloads, click here!
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