Posted By: wraggster

News/release from Red Squirrel
Hi, I'm an Italian developer (so sorry for my bad english ) and I would to present to the community of this wonderfull forum last my creation: the Alternative VSHMenù.
Download from HERE
From the attachment README:
What's it?
It is an Alternative VSHMenù that has all same functions of the M33 VshMenù and other utilities such as the possibility to change the background color, to power off and to sleep the console, to activate and to disactivate M33 VshMenù from dashboard or to make screenshot of XMB!
Press HOME in XMB to start the Alternative VshMenù!
N.B.: Do not flash this plugin erasing M33 satelite.prx! In this case Alternative VSHMenù does not work!
-Same functions of M33 VshMenù
-Possibility to change the background color
-Possibility to activate or disactivate M33 VshMenù
-Possibility to power off, reboot and sleep the console
-Plugin will stop PSP to avoid conflict with pad
-Improved the management of the colors
-Disposition of the commands on the screen is changed
-Possibility to make screenshot of the dashboard
-Possibility to activate/disactivate the function of screenshot
-Possibility to choose the key to start the plugin!
-Possibility to choose the key to make the screenshot
-Now options will be saved, so changes will be maintained also on the reboot of the console!
-If the file or th folder of options are not found, they will automatically be created to avoid crash of the system.
Installation using Noob's Plugin Installer
-Connect PSP to PC through USB
-Start program and choose the "Install a new plugin" option
-Choose the "Indipendent Installation" option
-Select the PRX and check the box corrisponding to VSH
-Click on Install button
Manual Installation (if no other plugins are installed)
-Connect PSP to PC through USB
-Copy the content of MS_ROOT folder in the root of Memory Stick
Manual Installation (if other plugins are installed)
-Connect PSP to PC through USB
-Copy vshmenu.prx file in SEPLUGINS folder
-Open VSH.txt file (if it's not present, create it!) and at the end of the file add this string: ms0:/seplugins/vshmenu.prx
Any way you have choosen, remember to activate plugin from Recovery Mode!
Download and Give Feedback Via Comments
via Red Squirrel