August 20th, 2009, 00:37 Posted By: wraggster
DekraN has posted an entry into the Neoflash Summer 2009 coding comp

Jo people, this is my PSP app for the coding contest.
Nickname: DekraN
Project name: AlphaBase
From: Italy
Divison: PSP App
Original entry: Yes
Support Motion: No
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: No
AlphaBase is a "simple" PSP-Bash which may help you for debugging your PSP,
even if, it may be used as a normal shell, just for the commands simple usage.
Just copy this folder (AlphaBase HM7) in PSP/GAME/
and if you want, look up for set main vars into SETTINGS.ini
A-Base is a lua-well-coded PSP Bash, made just for
debug all PSP Parts (or almost...), even if initially
it would be another PSP IDE... (anyway just look the
q-list system for this...)
In this first release commands are highly experimental,
so, don't you expect more of my scripting capacities
in this programme. I've personally tested a lot of function,
even if not all and they work perfectly
I've performed and charged a lot the "plist" command,
it is now more powerfull and lua-readable
(it tooks me one week to finish this...).
The P.S.E.R. parameters (Path Single Extension Requires)
have the noextension proof system, so, you can safely
omit the extension; however, it's highly recommended
to put it in any case to increase the execution speed.
Commands Helper: if you forgot the usage of a command,
just type it without parameters and A.B. will provide
to display you the usageprint and more informations
about the interested PSP parts; somehow just be carefull that
some commands have the shortcut system (pre-imposted parameters)
so they can execute unappropriate code for you.
A-Base is an object-based environment, so you can easily load
any element by typing "load [ELEMENT]" and use it for example
fontprinting a string using the font loaded.
'unload' command doesnt guarantee the effective unloading of
an elements (because some elements cannot be unloaded in any case),
but it just free the memory from the element-address.
You can simply get more information about the elements used
by typing "input (ID) (ID2)" where ID is the ID of the group
(0 for AlphaBase prints, 1 for User prints, 2 for Images,
3 for Rectangles (which aren't considered lines), 4 for Lines,
and 5 for Timers). You can also delete an User Execution
(did by imm, print, ... commands) by typing "reset (ID) (ID2)"
If command gets no param, it will provide to reset all the groups,
else if it gets only one param, it will reset only the ID group
(look up from the ID's list).
To get PSP Information and all, just type 'info'. For cmdlist
type 'cmd'. Other usefull stuffs are the current file system
and the current directory, respectively the one can be set by
'file' 'cmd, while the second by 'dir'. So, if current file is
'example.pbp', if you do 'eboot' AB will setup the first parameter
as the current file, while the Current Directory
just sets the working folder. You can also set the programme mode,
right the normal and the extended. The normal mode is more powerfull
and has a lot of function, while the extended gives more information
in AlphaBase prints. For the detailed COMMANDS LIST just see cmdlist.txt
Regards, Wesker.
- v0.2 - Beta release
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