Posted By: wraggster
DCEmu Coder Zack has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest;
Here it is! My entry into the neoflash coding competition..
This is a port of the totally original homebrew performer named : "abe's amazing adventure"
More info available about it here :
I only started this project today as I totally forgot about when the neoflash deadline was, and thus have been forced to "speed port" it.
I will be updating this to "perfect" status after the neoflash competition, there is just only so much I could cram in to this release, given that I have only had roughly 6 hours to work on this...
Despite this, it is totaly playable and a really fun and quirky platformer. Abe's Amazing Adventure is a scrolling, platform-jumping, key-collecting, ancient pyramid exploring game.
Controls :
X = Confirm
Select = Back
X = Jump
Triangle = Use balloon (once collected)
Dpad = Move
Hope you all enjoy it! And don't forget to vote for me if you like it!
Note : I apologise for this being a bit slow. My compiler went suicidal on me during the port and now I cannot even compile a hello world. Whether it was a virus or whatever is unknown. I have to install my toolchain again from scratch. Once I do this I will release a version with sound and music and proper speed

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