May 24th, 2012, 00:52 Posted By: wraggster
via http://psp.dashhacks.com/2012/05/15/...elopments-back
Eagerly waiting for an update to the 6.xx PRO Online Client? The good news is that there's one. Unfortunately, you will have to abandon your stable copy of 6.xx PRO B-10 and move onto the unstable nightly builds.
A few days ago, Coldbird dropped two updates since his return to the project. Three subtle changes across the two versions. Baby steps, baby steps. Here's the changelog:
Beta 0.08 [R47]
•Fixed Ghost Input Problem (aka. Home Menu Gamepad Problem)
•Added Analog Nub Passthrough (allows to use the Analog Nub for game input, even when Home Menu is active)
Beta 0.07[R41]
•Added Server Notice Support (active players now get notified by the server 1 minute prior to a maintenance shutdown, as has been requested by the community)
In Addition, if you aren't aware of the fix for RemoteJoyLite, take a look at this:
Existing versions of RemoteJoyLite crash when using PRO Online. You can download a working version for UMD based PSP models from here. The version linked above has been modified to use the PRO CFW high memory range and thus only works if high memory has been enabled. It also works on PSP Go, however not when PRO Online is active, I'm investigating the matter.
With that being said, if you haven't scooped up your copy of the updated 6.xx PRO client, you can grab it from below. It's nice to see this slowly coming together. There's improvements being made here and there, like the new status page. Let's see how long it takes to get this on the stable side of things.
For more information and downloads, click here!
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