Posted By: wraggster
Another Firmware release for the Vita:
Hiroi01 and NowCry have ported Total_Noob’s eCFW to the Monster hunter exploits (respectively JP, and EU/US), for those of you who are using these exploits on 1.80.Less than a day after Total_Noob’s latest release, his eCFW has been ported to the Monster Hunter exploits. People running on these exploits were already able to enjoy TN-A, but it’s always nice to have an update 
TN-B brings the following improvements:
- Changelog CEF 6.60 TN-B
- * Added more patches to get higher games compatibility.
- * Fixed bug that makes incompatibility with some games. (this also fixes bug that freezes your PSVita when you return from PSVita Menu to the backup game or when you resume the device).
- * Set CPU speed to 333 (experimental, not tested yet).
- * Removed hardcoded offsets and savedata path (makes porting CEF very easily).
- * FAKE.ISO is not needed anymore.
- * Forge “.” and “..” entries in directories, because the PSPEmu does not read them. This increases compatibility with many homebrews.
- Changelog TN Menu 0.2 (bugs here will be fixed later, I just focused on CEF bugs)
- * Added ability to move backup games to ms0:/ISO (by pressing X on the game).
- * Added ability to load purchased PSN games.
- * In the progress bar now it shows the speed instead of the past seconds.
- * Added configuration menu (show it by pressing []).
- * Using ISO/CSO reader by Takka.
- * Added memory free space.
I know people are still waiting for a backport of Total_Noob’s work to earlier exploits such as Super Collapse 3. I do not know if anybody is working on this at the moment. Again, this will be made easy when Total_Noob
releases the sources for his exploit.
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