Posted By: wraggster
jay123_2 posted this nifty way of getting Wireless Xbox 360 Controllers working as your PSP Joypad, sounds great eh, read on:
hi peeps ive managed to set
Extreme link 1.5.5 /usb Host/IR 3.6 To allow me to use my Xbox 360 Wireless joypad To Play games on the psp ive got a wireless reciver for pc to use all my 360 wireless accessories on it so i thought they had to be a way to use the IR shell to use wireless gamepad instead of a wired one
Here is a vid i made
was a bit tricky holding cam and using the 360 pad lol but anyways its all fun
i was playing Medievil Resurrection in the vid
good work on the new extreme 1.5.5
thanks again
Update you can just use usbhostfs_PC_Win_1.5at and IR shell 3.6 providing you got a 360 pc receiver
Run configure_joypad.exe in usbhostfs_PC_Win_1.5at
Config your Wireless joypad then save it in the same folder as usbhosts
Then run usbhostfs_PC_Win_1.5at
Then run and link IR shell to pc via usbhost
when connected
Your joypad should work a treat
Also drop your iso folder with ur games in the same folder as usbhosts or visa-versa then select directory view in ir shell then usbhost0:/
all your games be there ready to play with your wireless pad