Posted By: wraggster
News from Magicxien
Since the announcement of the release of 3.95 GEN, we encountered many problems. After a change of server last night, today was a nightmare which we hope to come this night. Even if the site begins to look better this will delay the launch of 3.95 a few hours.
We are sorry for the delay but currently we are in a difficult time in our virtual existence.
OVH, our host, has crippled the server initial PSPGen drastically, and above all without us. The reason is that we consume too much bandwidth. The only problem we have not been warned and we are looking for several days "why, how,"
On the side of PS3gen and other sites, is hosting 1and1 which has demonstrated its expertise in incompetence. Our server at home, regularly losing the "connection" and no longer met the "pings" randomly. Worse, access providers, for several days, FREE Wanadoo and left more access servers 1and1 whatsoever for hosting as the host himself with the site met the subscribers absent. From ever seen. Contacted, the technical service has confessed his inability to be able to react quickly because the majority of technicians were ... holiday. a real nightmare.
We have therefore decided to change (yet!) Server and all went well until the migration pspgen last night.
This morning, without apparent reason, everything is a party soother. Our new server has dropped catch and all sites "gen" were disturbed to the point we lost our whole day to try to run it without any real success. Add a spate of attacks on the server (a habit but that it fell badly) and the table was complete.
In short, tonight back to normal thanks to the arrival of a third dedicated server for PSPGEn. Until the DNS are updated throughout the world it will disrupt access to PSPGEN for a number you.
With all this, we were unable to complete the finalisation of readme and other things necessary for a good release and especially given the loss of one of our server at a transfer has not helped matters.
Personal Note of MaGiXieN :
Before the scandal scream and vomit on your feel the absence of release, then wait for the release is not cancelled but postponed for a few hours. I have not slept for over 5 hours from three days to try to run the sites and, at the same time, test and permit the finalization of 3.95 ...
hmm dont talk to me about server problems
but anyway we will have the release as soon as it happens