Tweak your firmware a bit further with the new release of eiffel56’s 2.71 SE firmware customization tool.
Change your font
Change your background images
Change your gameboot
Flash a custom menu
Disable/Enable Network Update
There are a few notes you should consider before moving forward:
Change your font/background images/gameboot:
Simply put the files (ltn0.pgf, gameboot.pmf, or 01.bmp…) into the root of your Memory Stick and start the Customizer. Choose a point from the menu, wait a short time and tadaaa.
Change the menu text:
Create a dump of Sony’s Firmware 2.50. Go to flash0/vsh/resource and copy the file topmenu_plugin.rco to your Memory Stick. Just edit the file with a hex-editor. Then start the Customizer and choose 4.
Disable/Enable Network Update:
Once you have started the Customizer pick point 5 or 6. NOTE: Don’t choose point 5 two times. It will disable your Network Update FOREVER. To bring it back, dump the original update_plugin.prx from Firmware 2.71, rename it to “dummy.prx” and put it in ms0:/PSP/GAME150/271c. Now choose point 5 and be happy
Although it’s been confirmed to work fine on both 2.71 SE-A and the new 2.71 SE-B, we cannot stress enough that you should use this application with caution; as with any tool writing to flash memory. Basically what we’re saying is: use at your own risk! Enjoy!