Posted By: Kaiser
Fresh after their brilliant work on the 2.5/2.6 downgrader, Dark_Alex, Mathieulh, and Yoshihiro have started working on a 1.50 to 1.00. The downgrader uses a newly discovered method similar to that of the 2.50/2.60 downgrader. This downgrader is exciting news as the coveted firmware 1.0 gives PSP users complete access to the PSP's hardware. The team has discovered a method to patch the file so that it would write the 1.00 IPL instead of the 1.50 IPL, thus making it possible to load 1.00 firmware on to the PSP.
Remember the downgrader must be run on a 1.50 PSP, it doesn't currently work on any other version. It also does not automatically restart your PSP after the process finishes. This small issue should be fixed by the time the downgrader is released to the public however. You may have to reset your PSP to system defaults after running the downgrader as it doesn't do this automatically.
- Sadly this downgrader will not work on TA-082 hardware PSPs, seeing how there's currently no way to get those down to 1.50 in the first place.
Apparently the testers of this downgrader have reported no PSP bricking yet. This is great news as I'm sure the public version will be even safer for those including my self eager to try 1.0.
Of course there is some downsides to firmware 1.0. You cannot run Devhook or any UMD loaders under 1.0 . This isn't because it's impossible; it's because they're specifically coded for 1.50. Programs such as Flashmod or X-Flash don't work either, since the files in flash0 under 1.00 are not the same as those under 1.50, and overwriting them could brick your PSP. However with the ability of custom firmware to be installed on 1.0, these greviances should only be temporary and I wouldn't be suprised if one day you would be able to boot all UMDs and all your firmware with no tools or tricks.
The scene will only continue to thrive as PSP coder continue to defeat Sony in the great battle of the firmwares 
UPDATE: The Downgrader has been released! Remember there is a risk to brick your PSP whenever you write to the flash memory. Be sure to have your battery charged and your PSP plugged into the power source to make sure you do not lose power while doing this.
Password for the .rar is:
Here are the downgrade instructions from the readme.txt
Instructions for the existing 1.0 user:
- Copy the downhelper100 folder to /PSP/GAME/ and start the program.
- It will dump your flash and your ipl to the memory stick. After finished, the program will exit. Send the folder created at the root of your memstick called DOWNDATER to someone with 1.50 to let him downgrade.
Instructions for the 1.50 user:
- Copy __SCE__downdater100 and %__SCE__downdater100 to /PSP/GAME/
- Get the DOWNDATER folder from someone with 1.00 and put it in the memstick.
- Get the official Sony 1.50 update and put it under /PSP/GAME/UPDATE
- Start the program.
Note: you need to set the language of your psp to either english or japanese before starting (anyways, it will advice you if you don’t have that requirement and it will exit safely) Also, connect the PSP to the AC adaptor.
- After a confirmation with the X button, you psp will be flashed to 1.00.
DO NOT REMOVE the memstick and DO NOT shut down the psp.
I can not empahasize this enough; As with any program that rewrites the PSP's flash memory - you may possibly brick your PSP. With that in mind, use with caution and at your own risk!
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