September 6th, 2008, 13:54 Posted By: yonaba
hi all,
this is just to notify about the new progress i've been able to do since my last post in the same thread.
First, the script file size: :humped:
I won't release any Demo version.I think the game have considerly improved, and its time now to set up some campaigns for real playing.
What remains to do:
- Add Some Ai Features
- Add Ballista Units.i've recently got the sprites.
- Create some scenarios for campaign play
- Add Save/load Feature
- Clean Some Bugs, of course
- Add Some features and Taunts Sounds for units, just for fun.
- Clean The code and add Some comments, then if some coders are interested, they can understand the code quickly and make their own Mods.
What have been made since:
Concerning Ai:
On this fact, i'm really proud of the work...Think i'm really going towards an real Ai system..Ai Units are really independant.They Collect ressources they need for upgrade, their create their own soldiers and make them stand ground.Ai Peasants know how and when they have to repair any damaged building.
Virtual keyboard will be used to text some messages to your Opponent, and pay tributes.
Concerning Natural Ressources:
There's no worry about it.Natural ressources are quite infinite.It regenerates automatically.
Concernig Units:
I've planned to add ballista units for player's Civilization.Also, the important fact is that all type of units are improving depending on the current Age.When you upgrade, for instance, units move faster, work faster, and so on and so forth.This is the same for Ai Units.
This is just about sounds.I've add a music Playlist, and it gives a nice look to the game.Only remains to find some taunts sounds for units, and add'em.
Now here is some sreenshots:

I haven't planned any date for this full release.it will take the time it needs.But i'll do my best to provide to the community something really interesting.
For more information and downloads, click here!
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