July 21st, 2008, 23:54 Posted By: Zack
Me again 
I worked hard on this today to make up for letting everyone down last week (due to me messing with my operating system and wasting 2 days)
I am very happy with the end result, some things included in this release were not supposed to be even looked at until v5.0, but I just steamrollered though the "to do list" today I guess.
Lets run though the changes in this version :
Sound & Music :
Yes it is finally better. I would say about 95/100%. It is now the correct tempo, with little to no crackling in-game. Another thing that is fixed sound related is the enemy's voices. They are now the correct pitch and also finish there sentences now!.
Before they said : "Acht" now it's the correct "Achtung!". They also finish there dying sound effect correctly now too. This is a big fix and really improves the experience a lot.
Another fix is when pressing the "open door" key the sound used to crackle. This has been fixed in v4.8 
New feature in this release is the ability to quick save & quick load in-game. Saves having to return to the menu all the time.
Hold "Start" and press the "L trigger" to save or Hold "Select" and press the "L trigger" to load.
The saving/loading is still slow, however I know how to fix the issue I just have not got round to doing it yet. It will definitely be in for version v4.9.
Graphics :
I have enabled Vsync in this version. It improves the game a lot. There is little to no "ghosting" in v4.8 as a result.
Controls :
The controls have finally been updated in v4.8, Dpad is now default for movement, to change to analog see below :
Here is the new mapping :
Weapons :
Yes, you can now finally change weapons in my Wolf3D port.
How to change ? Well it depends on whether your using analog or dpad. Whichever your using for movement, use that device to change weapons.
Cheats :
For those of you that like a helping hand, cheats support has now being added 
To activate cheats :
The game also seems more stable now. I think the crashes have stopped also, This has not being tested that long though. There has also been fixes to all the game loader bugs.
For all other fixes see changelog.
Changelog :
So that's it. Quite a major improvement overall. Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to explain everything properly to save myself being swamped with questions.
I would recommend upgrading to 4.01 M33-2 if you haven't already. The game seems the most stable on that firmware.
Thanks to Da1writer & Ashtr for continually finding bugs, and to Da1writer for making the excellent readme/faq that now comes bundled with each new release. Stuck, cant get it to work? Take a look at that!
Hope you all enjoy it :thumbup:
Source Included.
Screenshot :

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