Posted By: karothacker

The long awaited UPTv5 has just been Released to Add some very interesting features
NOTE: If you have any questions just drop by our fourms and ask for help.
Additions Since UPT v4.3:
* DC7
* Downloading of all required SCE EBOOTs
* Downloading of some popular Utilities to use with Pandora
* New style installer with progress bar
* nandTool 4, latest Elf Menu and modified DC7 installer to incorporate loading of nandTool
* SCE Utility Dialogs for Messaging, Notification etc.
* New style menu's throughout
* Zip Extraction of downloaded files direct to working GAME folder
* An information section listing various things
* Percentage bars for both Nand Backup & IDStorage backup
* Listing correct amount of keys that should backup during IDStorage
* Credits in Ultimate Loader's Main Menu
* New Splash Screens when loading Ultimate Loader and nandTool
Removals Since UPT v4.3:
* Hellcat's Pandora Menu
Message From Team UPT:[/SIZE]
We would like to thank all those responsible for UPT (Coders, Testers, Supporters, Donators, Etc.)
Download Here / Tutorial Here