May 1st, 2007, 18:40 Posted By: Zion

Hi there. 
Its been a while since my last release 
Ive really made my mind work and coded this Mario Kart 64 (Kinda) clone for the psp (its 2d though)
Its fully finished (yes zion has actually finished a game ) and very Playable 
Game Features Include
- 3 Levels
- Scrolling
- Main Menu
- 4 Computer controlled racers racing against you.
- Character Selection menu that includes : 5 Selectable Characters (Link, Luigi, Kirby, Donkey Kong & Mario).
- Power-Ups and Missles - Inlcuding Chomp, Shells, Bananas & Mushrooms.
- Random AI - No race will ever be the same.
- Pause Screen - Abillity to pause the game at any time.
- Nice Animation.
- Great Soundtrack & Sound Effects.
Readme & Controls (Full readme included in zip file)
Aim Of The Game
The aim of the game is to Avoid attacks getting you, get the powerups and win the race.
Menu : X = Advance to next screen
Game :
X = Accelerate - (HOLD) This acceleration is modest to say the least, your best best is combining it with power ups and the "L" key.
L = Speed Boost - (TAP) This will give you a slight speed boost, that when combined with the "X" key will make you go faster.
R = Block Attacks - (TAP) Tapping this key as your just about (literally) to be hit, will stop the attack from slowing you down.
R = Use Power Ups - (TAP) Tapping this key as your just about (literally) to revieve a power up (mushroom) , will give you a nice short speed boost.
Start = Pause the game - Press "X" to resume
Coding by : Zion
Graphics by : Paiku, Nintendo, Zion, SemiJuggalo & Bruno The Rhino.
Sound & Music by : Nintendo.
Beta Testers : Don, $n!per, Sroon, Vettacosx, Hardhat, Gizmo356 & Malkster.
Official Site of the Game : ZionMax.com.
Download & Give Feedback Via Comments - Enjoy 
----Updated , Pause Screen Sound bug fixed, bug pointed out by Yaustar fixed, More sound effects added. If you downloaded it before this edit was made please download again 
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