May 7th, 2007, 09:46 Posted By: Be3f
This is the second public Alpha of the Serious Sam: TFE mod for Dungeons 3D (called Serious Dungeons), which I'm working on.

It is powered by the latest (currently) Charnold's Dungeons v0.7.04 Engine.
My aim is to make the Serious Sam: TFE clone for the PSP. Dungeons Engine is powerful, but it currently doesn't support some important features to make this mod more likely true SS. So, I'm waiting for the next update...
This is my second mod for Dungeons (you may find Dark Dungeons at the Charnold's site http://www.caweb.de/).
In no way is this to be sold, it is freeware/homebrew.
What's new in v0.5:
- 3 levels with new textures. Now Serious Dungeons features 8 original levels (in the end of the game you finish the story of The First Encounter, so next reliases of the Serious Dungeons will probably combine The First & The Second Encounters of the Mental's aliens!)
- music (from SS)
- again, new HUD health icon :-)
- updated (by Charnold) Dungeons 3D Engine v0.7.04
New features in the previous public reliase (v0.3):
- 5 levels with new textures
- sounds & music from SS
- 3 enemies (not Serios Sam enemies yet (aliens from Serius), just Q3 monsters. Maybe, you'll see Mental's aliens in future...)
- 2 weapons (Q3 Rocket Launcher & Q3 Railgun model with the new green skin)
- changed ballanse - enemies have different health (4, 8 and 12) & weapons do different damage (Rocket - 4, Rail - 8). The game is more difficult, then original Dungeons 0.7, but you may select any level from the menu :-)
- some new gfx
- New bootpicture and sound added to the EBOOT
- EBOOTs for the 1.50 firmware
It's simle. Just copy the PSP folder from this archive to the root of your Memory Stick Duo (apply file rewriting). You don't need any installation of the Dungeons on the MS.
If your firmware is 1.50, you have to find the EBOOTs_for_firmware_1.50 folder in this archive and copy SERIOUS DUNGEONS and SERIOUS DUNGEONS% dirs from it into MS_ROOT\PSP\GAME (apply file rewriting).
For the custom firmwares (Dark_Alex's 2.71 SE or 3.XX OE), you must place SERIOUS DUNGEONS folder into MS_ROOT\PSP\GAME150 dir, but I recommend you to change "Game folder homebrew" to "1.50 kernel" in the Recovery mode and use MS_ROOT\PSP\GAME folder for homebrew (and place Serious Dungeons into MS_ROOT\PSP\GAME)
Enjoy! ;-)
Thanks to:
Charnold for the amazing homebrew engine & all Dungeons modders - Frack, Drew Medina, VettaCrossX, ELDom ;-)
Croteam for the Great Serious Sam: TFE game & Serious community ;-)
Id Software for the Godlike games & awesome models & all Id-games fans & Quake-Community ;-)
Dark Alex for the amazing custom fimware and downgraders & all other PSP-hackers, who made higher firmwares support Homebrew ;-)
All PSP Community, especially PSP-Coders for their PIMPing originally very specialized Device! ;-)
DCEmu - the emulation Planet, PSPUpdates.QJ.net, PS2DEV forum, PSP-HACKS.com, PSPPlayground... Everyone - GL! ;-)
Download Serious Dungeons v0.5 from >>here<<
Ingame screenshots (they are from v0.3, I didn't take new shots on v0.5...):

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