December 20th, 2008, 18:32 Posted By: mexicansnake
Well after almost 2 years ago I coded MultiPixelFixer and I thought it was time to update it!, I made this for fun and I hope it helps someone.
After being away from the psp scene for a long time I present my tribute! MultiPixelFixer V2.:thumbup:
This app should fix your stuck pixels not your dead pixels, please check the instructions and FAQ on the app. Tested on Cfw 5.00 M33-4.

- Pad => move cursors and move alarm settings
- X => speed up/down
- R => change the background color (black, red, green, blue, white)- Predator mode
- /\ => return
- [] => start flashing/ stop flashing/ select options
- O => maximize/minimize the cursors
- Select => change the current cursor
How to install:
Just place the folder: PSP on the root of your memory stick.
-Faster color flashing for better results.
-Energy saving mode
-Guide:Stuck pixel identifier
-Support for newer CFWs
-New interface
-Use of LPHMv2 (Thanks to the devs!)
-More on screen information and functions
-Smart functions to save battery and time
-Alarm to stop the pixel flashing and supend the PSP
-PSP slim support
Dont look at the flashing squares! it may hurt your eyes!.
Dont expect a super fixer, you must keep flashing the stuck pixels for 1 hour or more...
I hope it helps you and you like it. No this will not brick your PSP! it only flashes: PIXELS!!! LOL!!!.s
Dont forget to send me your comments to chaosmemo@msn.com
Please report any bugs.
Stuck pixel:
A stuck pixel will usually be most visible against a black background, where it
will appear red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, or yellow, although stuck red, green, or blue pixels are most common.
Each pixel on an LCD monitor is composed of three subpixels (one red, one green, and one blue) which produce the
visible color of the pixel by their relative brightness. A stuck pixel results from a manufacturing defect, which
leaves one or more of these sub-pixels permanently turned on or off.
Stuck pixels are not guaranteed to be correctable, and can remain faulty for the life
of the monitor, however might be fixed by flashing numerous colors with a very rapid intensity.
Defective pixels in LCD screens can sometimes be improved by mechanically manipulating the area around a
defective pixel by pressing or tapping. This can help to evenly distribute the oil inside the screen, but it
can also damage it.
Stuck pixels, unlike dead pixels, have been reported to disappear, and there are several popular
methods purported to fix them, such as gently rubbing the screen (in an attempt to reset the pixel) but this is
not posible in a PSP due the hard lens above the LCD, also cycling the color value of the stuck pixel
rapidly (in other words, flashing colors on the screen,) or simply tolerating
the stuck pixel until it disappears (which can take anywhere from a day to years). While these methods can work on some
stuck pixels others cannot be fixed by the above methods. Also some stuck pixels will reappear after being fixed if the
screen is left off for several hours.
For more information and downloads, click here!
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