November 22nd, 2007, 06:25 Posted By: AhMan
iR Shell 3.8
This release adds support to PSP Slim, plus various new features. Basically, all existing & new features are the same between Phat & Slim, with the exception of Slim can't use Infra-Red remote. BTW, I will be taking a long break from the scene. If there are any critical bugs in this release, I will try to fix them before leaving.

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Here is a list of feature highlights. For details, refer to the release note in the archive.
- Supports the latest M33 firmwares across both Phat & Slim. Slim users can choose among 3.60M33, 3.71M33-1 to 3.71M33-3.
- PSOne 2-Player Adhoc Support.
- Introduces a new Context Menu System. Functions (plugins) under context menu will always be available to all file types, similar to the right mouse menu click under Windows.
- Added a new Multi-tasking PRX Plugin System. This allows user written PRX Plugins for iR Shell to multi-task with another game/app. The included PRX HTML/Text Viewer developed by korDen allows you to view HTML & Text documents while playing games or homebrews..
- With the help from Dark_AleX, support to M33 & NP9660 No UMD Modes have been added. NetHostFS & UsbHostFS are also available for the No UMD modes.
- Added support to the latest Popsloader for 3.71M33-3 by Dark_AleX.
- Allow random start of MP3 for the alarm clock function, so you'll be greeted with different tunes each morning.
- Added the options to put your PSP to auto-sleep while idle to save battery.
- Allows you to press Hot-Key to turn off/on all LEDs. The annonying memory stick or WiFi LEDs will no longer distract you from watching your favorite video/movie.
- Support TV-Out for Slim via component cable.
- Added the display of volume bar for PSP main volume in iR Shell.
- plus numerous bug fixes.
Special thanks to:
- Dark_AleX for his help and support in iR Shell development. Many of the M33 related features are made possible with his assistance.
- Tyranid and other developers in ps2dev.org for creating the pspsdk.
- StoneCut, F34R and other moderators who keep irshell.org running and providing technical support to the community.
- korDen for making a multi-tasking HTML/Text Viewer plugin specific for iR Shell.
- All iR Shell beta testers, donators, skins & plugin contributors.
- M33 Custom firmware & popsloader are developed by Dark_AleX/M33.
- remotejoyGUI for Windows & Cleanup Script is developed by StoneCut.
- remotejoy & usbhostfs are developed by Tyranid.
- The included HTML/Text PRX Plugin is developed by korDen.
- The included EDIT Plugin is based on pspwrite by Zx81. Thanks to Zx81 for creating a nice text editor for PSP. The modified source code can be found in irshell.org forum.
- iR Shell bundled skins & plugins are developed by their corresponding authors.
- iR Shell Manual & FAQs are written by StoneCut.
If you enjoy using this release, you can make a paypal donation by clicking the donation link below:
Donation Link
Download Links (26MB):
http://rapidshare.com/files/71408170...ell38.zip.html (mirror)
For other optional components, such as skins, pronto codes, etc, refer to previous release.
For technical supports, pls visit www.irshell.org forum.
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[EDIT Nov 23]
A bug fix release is out to resolve the firmware patch bug which causes all kinds of incompatibility issues with homebrews & umd. Refer to the iR Shell 3.81 release thread for download link.
For more information and downloads, click here!
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