July 11th, 2007, 04:51 Posted By: Xx FightStar xX
Via HandHeldCustoms The new official site 
Me again 
As promised here is V1.2!
This game is almost unrecognisable from V1.1 so please give it a go and leave your feedback.
Now where's my coder status!
----Bugs Fixed In V1.2 (this version)-----
1) Health Getting Drained Excessively at random bug is fixed.
2) Scrolling Bug that mainly happened when moving from left to right, is fixed.
3) Weapon Selection bug is now gone, would sometimes prevent the "Sniper Rifle" being selected.
4) Invincible enemy bug is now gone.
5) Weapon Ammo bug now gone, would make your ammo reset to zero if you had over 499 bullets.
6) Enemy "Overlapping" bug is now gone, enemy's never go "Over" each other now.
7) Level Completion bug while doing nothing but stand in the same spot bug is now gone.
8) Enemy's killing you during level change is now gone.
9) Enemy's retaining the same position at the end of the old level and the beginning of the next one, bug is gone.
10) Occasional "Image Load" error when reaching a certain level after a certain number of retry's bug is gone.
11) Master Chief being hit noise happening when he wasn't under attack bug is fixed.
----New Features In V1.2 (this version)-----
1) You must reach the "Pelican" ship to finish a level - No more camping!!.
2) "Pelican" ship transports you to the next level.
3) You now start with all 3 guns, but with limited ammo for each.
4) Gun collection now gives you more bullets than in the previous version.
5) Each enemy is stronger than the next, the elite being the strongest and grunt being weakest.
6) Bullet shooting is now in for both player and enemy (you can now see the bullets), thanks to Charlie at www.evilmana.com for the shooting snippet, needed a lot of modifying to suit though (done by me )
7) Ending scene is now in.
8) Ability to return to menu on completion of game (may be buggy, shouldn't be!.
9) 3 Continues upon loosing all your life's, after that press start to return to the games menu and try again.
10) All cut-scenes bar the initial one and end one have been taken out, I didn't like the feature.
11) More Level detail added, dead soldiers, crates etc.
12) Improved AI.
13) New Protective Shield image. Made by Buddy4point0.
So please try the game and check it out, it's quite a impressive shooter and has nice features like gun pick-up etc., and
is the closest and most realistic thing so far to being able to play Halo on your PSP 
Also thanks to my 2 beta testers Buildit92(aka death angel 117) and Gizmo356 for making my life easier by testing the hell out of it 

Please visit the official site www.handheldcustoms.com if you like the game!
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