July 12th, 2007, 23:20 Posted By: Freshmilk
Hello everyone, once aagin, and welcome to my 16th ever release; in which, we see a new game as our entry into Neoflash. Obviously, from the title, you know the game is called Dementia, but thats about it, but I'll leave filling you in about the game and such for a minute or two; I have something more to say.
For those who don't wanna read this, at least view the instructions in game; kxploited, no need for lua player. Download link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/f3710i
This, being a new game and all, is also the first release from a newly formed Dev team, Teh Peek-Uh-Chewz, led by me-- lolz. The team as it stands is pretty small, with me being the only coder, but for now thhis is how we aim to stay; the other people involved are:
Gr34t3st; a well known partner and friend who has been working with me for quite some time now. He covers GFX and some of the designs, and has brought about all the GFX in this game rather quickly.
Dante_emo Hunter; I've known him as a friend for quite a long while now, I'd say around about a year. This is our first project together, but again his GFX look promising from what I've seen of them. Although he hasn't put much into this release, what he did contribute was pretty damn good; we'll hope to see more work from him in future.
TheSilenceofNoOne; A good friend and a confident worker. If I were honest, he has no specific role in the team, although what he does helps to make the produce brilliant; His main jobs include providing music for the games, beta testing and finding glitches, and helping us with the more time consuming tasks. He has put a lot into Dementia, as we hope he will for other projects.
With that aside, I'll now tell you about what the game is like, and how everything works-- Firstly, I may as well mention that this is a puzzle game, and a quite abstract one at that. The aim of the game is to make all the tiles yellow, from the orginal starting colour of red, but this is much easier said than done.
The above description may seem a little confusing, so I'll try to break it down a little more. Your cursor is a simple white box that can move to any position in the grid; with the general rule of the game bing, the bigger the grid, the harder the level is. When you highlight a box and click it, its colour inverses, along with everything around it; meaning all yellows turn red and all reds turn yellow-- obviously, as said before, everything needs to finish off as a yellow.
I hope that made sense, but if you forget, most of that is quoted in the Instructions menu in the game, as I know it can be a little complex. Moving on, I'll now show you some screenshots of the game, as made by Dante_Emo Hunter and Gr34t3st; also, I should probebly mention that msot of the background were taken from Vibestar's inner star theme, as a recolour; he gave permission to use them, so thanks to him, too.

Good, no?
I'd also like to thank the BETA testers for the game, and there are quite a few of them. These are Glynnder, Coolraccoon, EminentJohnFrost, TSON, and others-- but thanks to you all for your nessecery feedback on bugs and just suggestions for making the game better, you've really helped us out a lot.
Well, thats more or less all I have to say; Please report any glitches and such, and we'll try to get them all patched up and maybe release another version with another 50 more levels before Neoflash ends. Vote Peek-uh-chewz, and thanks for reading!
Download link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/f3710i
For more information and downloads, click here!
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