January 27th, 2009, 15:32 Posted By: Mr. Shizzy

Here is something I wrote, because I was starting to accumulate so many .CTF themes, trying to sort through them in the XMB was starting to become a chore...
- The purpose of CXMB Manager is to make the cataloging, and sorting, of your CXMB theme files easier.
- Allows you to store unlimited CTF themes.
- Allows full screen previews
- Fully functional favorites list. (Add, remove, ect...)
- Does not interfere with being able to apply ctf themes in xmb
- Allows importing of custom_theme.dat from Flash1
- Allows information to be stored/diplayed for each theme
Set up is pretty easy.
- Theme previews are placed in the "ms0:/CXMB_Manager/CTF_Previews/ * NAME OF THEME/"
- Preview folder MUST be named EXACTLY as the .ctf theme it represents (minus the .CTF extension)
so if you wanted to set a a preview folder for "SchmediaCenter2009.CTF" you would name the folder "SchmediaCenter2009"
- If you would like a preview to show up for that theme, you need to place a 480x272 preview pic in .PNG format. Otherwise, it will just show up "No Preview".
- If you want the wallpaper to show up for a particular theme, you need to place the corresponding custom_theme.dat file for that theme in the preview folder.
To obtain the custom_theme.dat file, you just apply the theme from the XMB, then boot up CXMB Manager, and select the theme you want, and select the "Import custom_theme.dat option"
This only needs to be done once...
- If you would like store/view information for a theme, just fill out the info.txt file included, and place it in the theme preview folder.
You can then view the info while viewing the theme in CXMB Manager.
- This program checks to see if all the required .prx files are set up properly for CXMB to run.
If they are not, the program will refuse to start.
- If you do not place a preview pic in the theme preview folder, that's OK.
But the theme will just show as "no preview" in the program
- Can't think of anything else right now - if you have comments/questions you can email me
Some Screenshots:
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