January 21st, 2007, 12:54 Posted By: Freshmilk
Hello, and welcome to my first release of CTF for the PSP.
(Finally, a break from TTR, lol.)
For those who don't wanna read this, I'll just simply tell you that its kxploited, so theres no need for luaplayer, and that you can download it here.
First of all, I expect your wondering what exactly CTF is. Well, as you may have guessed, CTF stands for Capture the Flag, which is a new LUA game, created by yours truely. The objective is very simple; snatch the enemie's flag and make it back to you own base, without touching anyone on the way.
Although the game sounds simple to paly, trust me, its no easy task. As the enemies get quicker, you're forced to think of a new staetgy to get around them before they catch you. This fast paced, addictive, and yet simple game is perfect for cheap thrills on the road.
Although there is one down side. For the time being, till i can release v0.2, the arrows don't work correctly. You may see them from time to time, but they cant hurt you... yet. 
This time around, all the GFX have been done by me, and my trusty MS paint, in the style of the original QJ game:

Nice for paint GFX, Eh?
To add to all this, I've evn saved you some time by kxploiting it, so theres no need to look for lua player. Have Fun Playing, But Remember, Leave you comments, as they're always appreciated!
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