Posted By: yonaba
Hi guys...
Age of Nations
Based on PC GAme
Based on Coderx's Age of Empire
Credits to Team Matrix
What's This ?
Age of Nations is a new project i've started.The main objective is to setup a strategy game looking like the well known Pc Game Age of Empire, only in LUA, playable on PSP.
For this first release, you only have a map, with scrolling fonction.You can explore it a have a look on the basics of the game.Any action for the moment.
Directionnal Pad: Browse the Map
Analogic Stick : Move the cursor
Cross: Order Your unit to move to the position you have clicked on.
PSPFat compatible
PSPSlim COmpatible (Thanks to Homemister's LuaPlayerHm 5.0)
Installation Path
Extracts all archive contents into ms0:/PSP/GAME

Download: Age of Nations