Gameboot Redirector v. 1.0 for 3.02OE-A and B
Presented by Team FWI
Coding by kando (based on some code from Art and LordSturm)
-Based on the modification discovered by birdman.
Readme by kando
--What does this program do?
Your firmware is programmed to load your gameboot.pmf upon a game startup from directory:
Which means whenever you want to change this, you must flash your psp, and you take up valuable flash0 space.
The firmware can be edited, however, to load the gameboot from your MEMORY STICK instead of flash0!
why is this good?
-You can easily swap gameboots through a memory card reader/usb or irshell, no flashing needed!
-Reduces the risk of bricking via flashing gameboots!
-Provides a much larger space to put gameboots, so they are not limited to flash0's small space!
-Save extra flash0 room by deleting flash0's gameboot! So in the future when i release my CIntro mod...
How is it done?
-In the opening_plugin.prx, there is a single line that tells the firmware where to load the gameboot.pmf. Simply put, properly changing this line to some other area will work as easily as it sounds! HOWEVER hex'ing this file by hand has alot of risks, as the parts of the original path that arent being used all need to be hex'ed to 0x00 or it will result in an error.
This program does all the hex work for you, as well as the flashing. AND it backs up all the originals for restoration!
Unfortunatly, you cannot edit the opening_plugin.prx that is already in the firmware as it is ENCRYPTED, so a DECRYPTED opening_plugin.prx will have to be used, however, it works just the same as the encrypted one. do i run this program?
1) You need to have a DECRYPTED 3.02 opening_plugin.prx inside MSROOT ( ms0:/ ), so it will look like:
( To get a decrypted one, download the Sony 3.02 update eboot.pbp, use pbpunpacker to get the data.psar, put it in the root of your memory stick, and run PSAR Dumper for 3.02. Make sure to hit the option to DECRYPT all files. go to ms0:/f0/vsh/nodule/ to grab the opening_plugin.prx and put it in ms0:/ )
2) Extract this release and put it in whatever game folder is your 1.50 kernel (/PSP/GAME/ or /PSP/GAME150/
3) Run the program through the "games" menu of your PSP.
The program will backup your original opening_plugin.prx to ms0:/psp/opening_plugin.original
It will also backup your gameboot.pmf to ms0:/psp/gameboot.original and if there is no ms0:/gameboot.pmf, it will copy itself there as well.
If you have already installed and there are backups present, the program will restore them, and put the "edited" opening_plugin.prx back to ms0:/ to be ran again if wanted.
4) Find your favorite gameboot and put it at ms0:/gameboot.pmf and run any game/homebrew!
--but what if i dont have my memory card in? or what if i dont have a ms0:/gameboot.pmf?
answer: you will get a blank white gameboot
--how do i debrand my gameboot?
answer: use xflash
--can this brick my psp?
answer: 1 out of 9,999,999,999 psp's may brick.
Shoutouts to (in no order of importance except for the first one): Dark_AleX, deuce, brentp, FoG, Jordan, HellDragon, MikeDX, Train2335, FreePlay, NOPx86, x3sphere, cyanide, LordSturm, birdman, jamesbdx, busta, Feli, Fragtastic06, Nomo, MY MOM, MY DAD, jas0nuk, TheBuzzer, poohter, Fanjita, Ditlew, Team Noobz, Matheuith, Ell, mr_dank, vb_master, all who joined #psp, all my friends IRL, ColdBird, holmz, weltall, and anyone i happened to miss