December 20th, 2005, 02:45 Posted By: wraggster
A Nice article/review from SuccessHK

Ah, those cute little modular robots: Technology courtesy of an ancient civilization, a collective mindset the Borg could appreciate, fashion sense somewhere between urban-winter-hoodie and Super Milk-Chan, and action/puzzle/platform gameplay. Tokobot is a stylish, unique title, and a sorely-needed infusion of original gameplay to the PSP library.
Players take role of Bolt, an adventurous researcher who comes upon a group of ancient robots during an expedition (it can happen). From there, any science-fantasy geek knows the drill -- the cute little robots identify and bond with the first being in the vicinity when they turn on, and the rest is action/platforming goodness. With this new posse of robotic homies, Bolt embarks on new assignments, and the Tokobots are there to help him out as his ever-useful, exceptionally versatile wing-things.
Players start off with six Tokobots (more become available throughout the game), which can link up in special physical formations, effectively becoming different machines. For some reason, there are those who insist on comparing the game to the experience of Pikmin, but the Tokobot formula is a lot more straightforward, aggressive and, well, nifty.
Tap a face button when the Tokos are arrayed on both sides of you, and they become a collective blade, whirling around you and dealing damage to all comers (or smashing objects... which can, in turn, become new threats!).
A basic, sensible circular formation is a bit more practical for simply moving around the environments, and also allows your robotic buddies to do a coordinated stomp-attack, or to activate large switches set into the ground.
Line the little guys up behind you single-file, and they can make themselves into a very useful whip. This formation can obviously be used as a weapon and also act as your own personal Indiana Jones-style grappling hook, pulling you up to higher elevations. An even cooler formation finds the Tokobots forming their own propeller, allowing players to jump across gaps and rotor their way down to safety.
Often, you'll need to be quick and decisive as you toggle through the formations. For example, you may stroll into an area with the Tokobots arrayed around you in the circular formation, automatically switch to a T-arrangement to pull a massive block to where you want it, employ the follow-line formation to whip-crack an aerial foe down to the ground, and finally re-assemble in the tight cluster formation to jump up and stomp the downed foe to his doom. It's hard not to like the Tokobots after you've pulled off a few successful, visually impressive combos.

As if that's not enough, the Tokobots can -- for an expenditure of ancient Karakuri parts, which you'll continually discover as you play -- do the Micronauts/Transformers number and jointly assemble into huge, distinct mecha-bots. These include a floating, sword-carrying warrior, a clobberin'-time hammer, and a rapid fire support platform on wheels. These mega-configurations are capable of defeating boss enemies, or gaining entry to new areas.
The control takes some getting used to, particularly when you're rapidly cycling "joint actions." Also, there's just the slightest delay between hitting the controls and getting the result you want. But this isn't an overly hyper world, and you still have the dexterity advantage over almost all your enemies. The camera is good, not great -- there will be the occasional "challenging" camera moment, but thankfully, they're few and far between.
Meanwhile, the PSP now has a stylish, almost insufferably cute dose of action/puzzle gaming, and a world that will appeal to both sexes and all ages. If your sessions of Pikmin left you in a controller-chucking frustrated state, Tokobot will be the hands-on antidote for what ails you.
For more information and downloads, click here!
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