Posted By: 2.6,CRACKED
2.6,CRACKED!, PSP-KID, Rikardo_92 have updated their shell PSPHustlaz Shell v0.2. Dont forget this is affilated with
Here is the changelog:
1. Multiple Icon in Shell menu bug fixed (At start of MP3 Player and Shell appears black, jst press any button and the screen will come up - i wouldn't press X because it will load something before you know what you are loading
2. On the shell's music icon press X to go straight to the Music player, O to define a homebrew (it goes to a filebrowser where it saves the dir to the file, but you cant exit due to an exception error im working on)
3. MP3's Buttons updated
4. Fixed some of the problems with the EBOOT loader (please leave feedback if it doesn't load a certain type of EBOOT)
5. A minor bug crash that shoudlnt have been noticeable - but fixed
1. Cant use home to exit -> press L+R+Start to exit
2. Image viewer works but is kinda screwy, cant return to the shell once loaded
3. Music player works but circles are left at the end of the lines :S, and you cant return to the main shell atm :S

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