While disabling some of my icon tex_focus files, I decided to try to make use of that annoying "blink".
Just leave parts of your icon transparent, (or don't and put text or whatever around it) and use the Zinga Burga's RCO Icon Editor 1.11 to change your tex_focus for that particular icon...
So far, we can only add white to this file, but maybe eventually, someone will find a way to add color.
NOTE: this wouldn't work with a 480x272 bg, because it corrupts the icons. So if you want a bg with more than just color gradients, then resize it to 250x142. Then rename it to 01-12.bmp
A huge thanks to Zinga Burga. His RCO editor, has made all kinds of incredible XMB hacks possible
Look at the memory stick icon:
It's simple enough.
If this seems confusing for some people, I will post a quick tutorial later tonight.