May 27th, 2006, 19:18 Posted By: ade
Hi all, i'm ade, i bought a PSP with 1.5 fw about a week ago and it's amazing!
I made this LUA game the last few days, Alchemist. Here's a screenshot

The idea is to get the whole board "gold", by placing a symbol in each square.
You can only place symbols near a matching symbol or color. See the in-game tutorial for more info.
Alchemist v1.0 - by ade.se - Release 1
PLATFORM: PSP fw 1.5, may or may not work on other firmware
Coded for LUA Player 0.19 (www.luaplayer.org)
SIZE: 1.03 MB in 13 files
SOURCE: http://www.ade.se/psp
RELEASED: 2006-05-27
FEATURES: [X] Sound (with mute option)
[X] Battery indicator
[X] Clock
[X] Tutorial
This is my first LUA and PSP creation. In case of bugs, please send a report
describing the problem and how to recreate it to ade.n84@gmail.com !
My favourite puzzle game created for PSP. The rules for gameplay are outlined in the
in-game tutorial. Even though this version does not support it, i may implement
an option to customize graphics. All the files in the themes/original folder may be customized
and put in a new folder in the themes/ directory. If someone makes a pretty theme i'll edit
the code and add support. My original Photoshop (7.0) files can be obtained at
- http://www.ade.se/psp
for ease of editing. There is also some extra documentation on editing in that archive.
Thanks Nevyn and Shine for the awesome LUA Player, and everyone in the PSP Homebrew community.
Just put the whole directory, contained in the .zip-file, in your LUA Player/Applications
directory, and load it up.
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