The Sony press conference kicked off just moments ago, and the company brought da noise with Sony style: Strong, assertive and with the kind of swagger that only comes from having won the last console war hands-down.
Here are some of the major highlights:
* Jack Tretton showed up as his PSHome character. Pretty nifty. the Avatar walked through Home Square, apparently a new area of Home.
* Tretton: "over the past 14 years...Sony has strived to deliver great entertainment and innovation... we're going to show you games, games and more games." Good call, Sony.
* A little love for the PS2: Tretton trumpets the console's sucess and says over 160 games are coming to the console this year.
* PSP Games shown include: SOCOM U.S. Navy Seals Tactical Strike, Wipeout: Pulse, Syphon Filter; Logan's Shadow, NBA '08, God of War: Chains of Olympus, Silent Hill Origins, Patapon, Tiger Woods '08, Sonic Rivals 2, Sims 2: Castaway, SWAT: Target Liberty, Final Fantasy Tacktics: The war of the Lion, Castlevania.
* Tretton showed off some of the awesome custimization stuff available on the PSHome. Kaz and Tretton virtually "hung out" and did a little comedy. Comedy is hard for everyone, so we gave them a pass.
* Kaz took the stage to cheers and unveiled the new PSP!
* New PSP: still has UMD, but it's 33% lighter than current and 19% slimmer. Improved battery, improved video, and can be hooked up to televisions! Wow!
* Kaz demoed the new PSP with a showing of Spiderman 2, controlled from a PSP.
* Comes in designer colors: "Ice Silver" Comes with Daxter and 1meg memory stick and The Family Guy: Frickin' Sweet UMD.
* Chewbaca (?!!) made an appearance to show off the Star Wars: Battlefront bundle. A white PSP with Darth Vader on the back. $199.99. TheFeed thinks corporate executives should not try to do comedy. Also, when did we drop acid?
* Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron comes out this fall.
* PlayStation Network is next up. 2 million users and 20 million downloads, according to Tretton.
* Phil Harrison takes the stage. Shows off five games from the PlayStation Network: EchoChrome, a puzzle game that look simply waste-your-life amazing. Like an Escher print and Line Rider had a genius offspring. You'll be hearing a lot about this one.
* Pain. Funny, destructive and as addictive as you can imagine.
* PS Network Games Shown include: Wipeout HD, Warhawk, SOCOM Confrontation.
* PlayStation Home: Home client can run on Sony phones. Without graphics, but with all the social networking acess.
* Harrison showed off some of the new spaces in Home. Very impressive.
* SingStar playable within Home.
* Harrison demonstrates the media capabilities of the phone/home connection by taking, then instantly uploading a photo of the crowd to PlayStation Home. Instantly uploads photos to Home. Very cool.
* Can push screenshots from in Home to webpages. Like MySpace but for fake you.

* Ability to launch any game from PS3 from inside Home.
* Shows off Motorstorm from Home. Eagles Nest map available next month.
* 80 gig PS3 model will be priced at $599 and is available on August.
* Sales of 60 gig model have doubled, according to Tretton.
* Prediction of 11 million sales of PS3s this year.
* Sony "never waivered in belief that Blu-Ray was the way to go."
* Tretton trumpets a 2-to-1 sales ration of Blu-Ray over HD-DVD.
* 120 games. 15 exclusive first-party games.
* Trailer for Ubisoft's Haze, a PS3 exclusive that many, many gamers are waiting for. Amazing visuals. Truly breathtaking.
* Sony announces Unreal Tournament 3 as a PlayStation 3 exclusive! Also: user created mods will be transferable from PCs to PS3s. NICE!
* Other games coming: Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men, Resident Evil 5, Burnout Paradise, Madden NFL '08, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, The Simpson's Game, Guitar Hero III, Medal of Honor Airborn, and Rock Band.
* Tretton announces another Third Party Exclusive: Metal Gear Solid 4, putting to rest rumors that the game might be headed to 360s.
* Metal Gear Solid 4 will be the LAST Metal Gear game...evar!
* Real Time footage of the game was shown, and it is as good as it could possibly be. Wow. Blown away.
* Metal Gear Solid coming in "Early 2008!"
* Harrison and Tretton went on to discuss exclusives coming for the PS3, including Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Folklore, Heavenly Sword, NBA '08, LittleBigPlanet, (including a video of the game's building tools.) and finally, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.
* Infamous, a newly announced title featuring dark, brooding visuals and plot.
* Pulling everything together: Impressive, in-game footage of first person war title Killzone 2.