Posted By: F9zDark
Albeit being unable to make our own mods just yet for the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament 3, it appears that the fellows over at Epic games are "helping" us along in the process, by taking a few UT3 mods and making them work on the PS3.
Epic Games is proud to take the first bold step in a new era! Today we're releasing the very first user-created content for Unreal Tournament 3 on PlayStation 3.
We're starting with a user-created map called DM-Shrine created by Thomas Browett, who goes by the name Setheran on the official UT3 forums. Thomas is a 23 year old graphic designer from Nottingham, England. He's been playing Unreal since the very first Unreal Tournament and he says he's enjoyed every game in the series. He made a few maps for the original Unreal Tournament but hadn't done anything since this one. He finds the third generation Unreal Editor to be very friendly and feature rich.
DM-Shrine is is a great little map that's perfect those close-quarters, 2-6 player, matches that keep your adrenaline pumping from beginning to end. A lot of our DM maps in UT3 are designed for larger player counts so this provides a great contrast and a chance to play in a more intimate setting. I've always loved these types of maps and I hope you folks do as well!
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