April 24th, 2011, 00:12 Posted By: wraggster
In last week's mailbox Ben Norris asked if games these days are too explicit and lamented the level of blood and gore in the upcoming Mortal Kombat title.
This week Joe Wyatt e-mailed PSM3 to vent his frustrations with hackers in Modern Warfare 2.

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Enough is enough. I'm sick of these cheating douchebags ruining Modern Warfare 2. I'm talking about the smug losers who've got hacked cheat menus allowing them to become invincible, shoot people (me!) from anywhere on the map and now even wipe my freakin' attachments and perks!
I'd previously only seen it a couple of times since the game came out but this past couple of weeks I'm struggling to find a game without one. I thought I hated nuke boosters, but at least you could stick a semtex to their heads and make yourself feel better - these chumps are something else.
So I've been brainstorming for solutions to this syphilitic plague. Obviously my first thought was to have them burned but for all Sony's future-proofing of their console I doubt they included a PSN-triggered incendiary device. Seems a shame.
Plan B: take away the benefit - lock their profiles so they can't rank up and they can't unlock anything. Also anyone tagged as a cheater should be exclusively put in games together so they can play round after futile round where none of them can die, no matter how many unlimited air drops they can call in.
No doubt there'll be a technical barrier of the network spotting who these people are compared to normal human beings but that's not my business - I'm not the 'how guy'... All I can say is that I hate them. They've ruined my favourite game of all time.
Call me old fashioned but I cant help feeling that these people are a true waste of oxygen.
PSM3 says:: While we agree with your sentiments, Joe, your methods might be a bit extreme. Sony has issued a statement saying: "By identifying PlayStation 3 systems that breach our guidelines and terminating their ability to connect to PlayStation Network, we are protecting our business and preserving the honest gameplay experiences that you expect and deserve," via the PlayStation Blog.
Clearly PSN bans are the best short-term solution. Looking further ahead, rumours suggest Sony is working on a new version of PS3 that can't be hacked using current methods. Games devs too, are looking to tighten security. Hackers can ruin a game via multi-player exploits and that may mean less people buy it.
CVG says: If only to play a devil's advocate we're going to agree with you Joe, we'd like to see Infinity Ward use some creative ways to punish cheaters; take away their ability to kill, replace their guns with vegetables, randomly turn them into ghosts - whatever.
It's a shame that Modern Warfare 2 has turned into this wild west filled with hackers, especially since there's still a fair few people who prefer it to Black Ops. Hopefully something will be done to clean it up soon, something like turning them all into ducks.
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