Posted By: wraggster
Eek i had been keeping my eye on this for a while and the release happened on the 15th, so heres the Belated zouzzz's birthday blork pack, heres the full details:
Here's, as promised, the release, on my birthday, of "Blork & Destroy V3.0" & "Paf the Blork V1.0", both inspired by "Kid Paddle" comic by MIDAM.
New features of "Blork & Destroy V3.0" :
- Translation from french to english
- Difficulty level increased
- No more difficulty level choice
- 2 more levels & 8 new Blorks in "Blork & Co" mode.
- Some esthetic changes
- Less .LUA files
- Musics
- Analog pad support in "Kill 'em all" mode
- 2 players mode on the same PSP.
Features of "Paf the Blork" V1.0 :
- 2 Game modes : 1 or 2 players on the same PSP.
-"Blork & Destroy" :
-- "Blork & Co" mode : Story mode of the game, finish the 8 levels of 32 blorks.
Move the cursor with D-Pad or analog stick, X to shoot, L to reload, [] to screenshot.
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A big thanks to Zouzz who released this when we werent looking
, a Belated Happy birthday from all at DCEmu