Posted By: wraggster
SaulotMalo has posted a new release for the Neoflash Coding Competition, heres the details:
This game is developed by using 3d but it is played in a 2d map, i choose this type of enviroment
because it is my first game and i could use the 3d space as a matrix. First of all i've developed
several libraries in order to do the game, one for the audio, one for loading textures, one for
loading bitmaps fonts and one for the md2 model this one has been inproved several times because
the psp was alot slow in the last version the mesh is drawed by using fan & strip commands. I'll
release this libraries by the day 20 in order to any one be able to write fast code in 3d programming
in psp. ( i think this would be a plus score

just jocking ).
The main objective of the game is to get all the stars of each stage without getting catch by the
enemies. If you're touched by an enemy you'll start from the first stage and with a score of 0 points
( thats not good

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