June 17th, 2006, 04:05 Posted By: shadowprophet

It Seems Psp2Gamer Has made an interesting windows xp shell, this works with your psp web browser, either links2 on 1.0 and 1.5 or the sony web browser for higher firmwares,Heres a little of the readme.
MediaCenterPSP v2.00 Readme
-A wireless connection (For full functionality)
-Minimum Requirements:
-System Firmware v2.00, 2.01, 2.50, v2.60, 2.70, 2.71
-System Firmware v1.00, or 1.50 (With The help of the Links2 browser)
-1.5MB of space on your Memory Stick Duo
-System Firmware v2.71
-5+ MB of Space on your Memory Stick Duo (For downloads)
(Portal Installation)
Extract/Place the folder "PSP" in the ROOT directory.
Note: This will not harm your files. Also, if you want to take full advantage of then smaller size,
erase older versions of MediaCenterPSP
(Accessing Portal)
Open up the "Web Browser" under "Network", and type the following:
(MediaCenterPSP Support)
1) Email Me at shaakenstad@gmail.com, subject label
"MediaCenterPSP v2.00 Flash" I will get back to you as soon as possible.
2) PM me on the Playstation message boards. My handle is "PSp2gamer"
-Due to the overwhelming amount of e-mails I recieved with Version 1.00 and 1.50, I would just like to
say that it could be a little while before I can give you a reply/answer. Thanks
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