PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
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PSP Homebrew
Name = WindowsMinesweeper PSP
Authors /Website = SiGi

Downloads = 18th October 2005 Here
Information = Windows Minesweeper, developed by SiGi, October 2005
This game is is written in LUA, so you need LuaPlayer v 0.11 or higher
to play it (it may run with other versions, however I did not test it).
You can download LuaPlayer at After you successfuly
install LuaPlayer on your PSP, copy the whole "Windows Minesweeper"
folder into "/PSP/GAME/LUAPLAYER/APPLICATIONS". Then just run
LuaPlayer on your PSP and you should find Windows Minesweeper in the LuaPlayer's
browser (called Lowser). Press O (circle) to run selected application.
Control your pointer in the minefield. Also use to navigate menu and adjust
settings in the OPTIONS menu
Press to uncover a square under the pointer. Press in menu to execute selection
(only where applicable).
Press to set/unset a flag
Press on a number to uncover all covered adjacent squares, number of flags
on adjacent squares must be equal to that number. (This is equivalent to
clicking left and righ mouse button at the same time in the original Windows
Press to enter main menu, when in menu, press to exit that menu.
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