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Emulators for PSP
Name = VBA for PSP (GameboyAdvance Emulator for
the PSP)
Authors /Website = PSP Wiki
new from PSP Emulation News (please credit this site if
you use them)

Downloads = VBA for PSP v004? Here
September 18th 2005
Tonight we got our hands on what seems to be a newer version of the GBA
emulator for the PSP, the last release was in June and i can verify its
the same emulator but the file size and date on the file shows todays date.
the emulator does seem faster although i have no way of being 100% correct,
so with that in mind for those interested, check out what for now we have
named VBA For PSP v004?
VBA for PSP v003 Here june 23rd 2005
Several Users have informed me that the new release has new
features and even sound in this release, heres a rundown of
features found:
Pushing Right/Left on the Analogue stick turns sound on and
Pushing Up/Down on the Analogue Stick turns the background
from Black (222mhz), Blue(possibly 266mhz) to Red (333mhz)
this does give a noticeable speed difference on the Red Background.
Pressing Triangle and Square increase or decrease frame Skipping.
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VBA for PSP Here june 21st
Information =
Game Boy Advance Emulator for the PSP
No Sound and Slow but it works :)
One rom at a time and renamed rom to rom.gba
folder must be named vbapsp too
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