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PSP Homebrew
Name = Tedzero Browser
Authors /Website = Tedzero

Downloads = v2.4.2
3rd November 20005
1) Custom Background and custom text colors.
2) Create a folder "tedzero" in PSP root, have your cfg, gfx and
bmp file in it.
3) Buttons are a little more smoother.
4) Desktop view has a better color pallet.
v2.4.1 1st November
File Manager module Included. Now you can copy/delete files/folders
within PSP, rename files.
Navigate to a folder on PSP and from the menu click Play MP3, it
will queue all the mp3's in that folder.
I have created custom controls, so the UI will look different and
feel different.
Navigate to a folder on PSP and from the menu click Play MP3, it
will queue all the mp3's in that folder.
Home button exit.. (It was a bug fix).
New Background.
v2.3.3 27th October
Changes in this release.
1) New MP3 Player Module, This runs in background.
2) Multiple Config File.
3) User Profiles.
Server Config file name and format changed..
Filename = sconfig.cfg
;PORT= 9898; <-- This is the server port
;USER= ADMIN= teddy= C:; <-- UId= Pwd=Virtual Folder
;USER= GUEST1= teddy= C:\Temp; <-- UId= Pwd=Virtual Folder
Client Config file
Filename = <>.cfg
;SERV=; <-- Server IP
;PORT= 9898; <-- Server port
;RCON= Conn; <-- Static connection
;SUID= ADMIN; <-- Uid
;SPWD= teddy; <-- Pwd
;DRIV= C; <-- Virtual Drive.. (Obsolete.)
v2.3.1 October 23rd
- Status Bar.
- File Size displayed.
- Delete a folder on PSP, (Recursive deletion. Subfolders will also be deleted).
- Use arrow keys to navigate on filesystem.
- Use 'Select' to switch between PC and PSP.
v2.3 October 22nd 2005
It has following changes.
1) Menu driven.
2) MessageBox for confirmation (While you delete.. etc etc.).
3) You can Now copy the entire folder from your PC to PSP.
4) Delete a folder on PSP (The folder should be empty.)
Hmm.. what else... I dont remember.. Its time for
October 16th 2005 Here
Information = Hi All,
This is the second version of my earlier released "Tedzero Copier".
I have named this as Tedzero Browser.
You may browse your PC files and folders.
1) Use ^ and \/ to select folders/files on PC.
2) Use X to Get a file from PC or go into selected folder.
3) Use < and > to select folders/files on PSP.
4) Use O to Delete a file on PSP or go into a folder
5) Use < and [] together to exit out.
Edit the COnfig1.txt with the right PSP Static IP Connection name.
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