PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
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Emulators for PSP
Name = SMS PSP (Master System/GameGear Emulator
for the PSP)
Authors /Website = Yoshihiro /
Screenshots -

Downloads =
Sega Master system &
Gamegear emulator 0.5 6th November 2005 / Discuss Here -->
Personnal Message :=) :
Remenber suckssssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
zipped roms not supported yet ;=) .
Important :
This emu it's a port of MasterGear a non open source emulator .
Boutton :
TRIANGLE : used in game to return to the browser and load another game :)
CIRCLE : it's the boutton 2 of SMS paddle & GG
CROSS : it's the boutton 1 of SMS paddle & GG
START : Pause
SELECT : Sound on or Sound Off
New :
GPU Full screen added for the sms roms
Stretch screen for the GG roms
and some Fixs .
..:::: soon ::::..
Speed fix at 60FPS with the GPU .
sound fix at 44100 . 80% done
add The sega sg1000 support . 50% done
add the coleco support (it's a clone of the sg1000); 50% done
Here v0.4 14th June 2005
Here v0.3
Information = Works on v1.0 psp only
...::::SMS PSP V0.4 ::::...
Released 14/06/05
Sega Master system & Gamegear emulator 0.4
Boutton :
L && R : For quit the emulator and return under the
TRIANGLE : used in game for returned under the browser and
loaded a another game
CIRCLE : it's the boutton 2 of SMS paddle & GG
CROSS : it's the boutton 1 of SMS paddle & GG
START : Pause
SELECT : Sound on or Sound Off
New :
Sound Master system added
Sound GameGear added
2 background added an Gamegear and an master system .
and some Fixe .
..:::: For soon ::::..
Fixed the sound in 44100.
add The sega sg1000 support .
add the coleco support (it's a clone of the sg1000);
Background in game on Master system
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