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PSP Homebrew
Name = Scorched Earth now called Scorched PSP
Authors /Website = Romshark

Downloads = v9 14th August 2005 Here
The name is now Scorched PSP. It sounds nice, I think.
Well, here's (checks notes) version .9! Wait, the last one should have
been .4a, not 1.4a...
Anyway, major changes here! First off, there's a customized eboot icon
and background, thanks to Ryuu of the PSPUpdates forums. Great job!
Also, I've added a cool menu. There's still more things on there that aren't
implenmented yet than are, but it gives room for expansion. So sorry, the
network play isn't in there. With the menu, you can change the ground, sky,
gravity, player numbers, falling dirt, which landscape engine to use, landscape
steepness (only for the new landscape engine). That's about it so far.
In the game itself, we've now got up to 6 players. Blue and White tanks
were added. I tweaked the shooting part to go faster, and I have ideas that
might optimize it even more. Oh, and I tossed in Deaths Heads weapons, just
in case someone actually wanted to use them . Although their use slows down
that whole round of bullets, even after the heads have all exploded.
Using a better font file, so ther's now lowercase and uppercase letters.
The Hello-World team strikes again! File from the RIN source.
Next, I hope to have a scoring system of some type set up, as well as more
weapons (dirt-based), and some more menu items working.
No source this time. In the game, use the d-pad to aim and adjust power
(hold the L-trigger to go faster.) X to shoot, square and circle to cycle
weapons, triangle to clear the screen of smoke traces. Use X to continue
during tank dialoge (talking before firing or when dead). triange cancels
shots, since sometimes it gets stuck (I'm still looking into that...) Select
returns to the home menu.
v1.4 a 5th August 2005 Here
Here's a small update. It's not really an "official" release,
so I'm calling it 1.4a (or alpha). I'm trying out talking tanks here, plus
I'm using a method of landscaping that is more "Scorch-Like" (which
I modified from a Qbasic program called Bomb by David Duvenaud. Find it
under Action Games at ). A few other things were tweaked and
changed, but they probably won't te obvious.
Since this isn't a real release, there's no source code. Just an eboot file.
The source code is a mess right now anyway from the coding changes. Next
I'm going to work on a menu system and hopefully more weapons. We'll see
how that goes.
Also, I'd rather have the talking loaded from an external file, so others
can add their own dialogue. Can anyone point me in the direction of a demo
that loads external files into a text reader or something? I also need to
know if it can understand End-Of-Line and End-Of-File, so that I can load
one random line of text. Maybe even use it to save settings and some form
of game save?
Here v0.03b 19th July
Here v0.02b 15th July 2005
Information =
Well, here it is. My first game for, well, any system! This is an ATTEMPT
at making a version of Scorched Earth for the PSP. Scorched Earth is a classic
PC game from the DOS days where two or more tanks shoot a variety of
weapons at each other, ranging from simple baby missiles, to molten napalm,
to full scale nuclear weapons!
This is a very early version (I call it v. 0.02b) . Here are a few key
differences in this early build that I hopefully can overcome in time to
make more like the PC version:
-No sound
-Only two tanks
-Only one type of land (not lightning or anything like that)
-No "talking tanks" (tanks displaying phrases when shooting or
-Only Baby Missles, Missles, and Nukes available.
-What weapons you have are unlimited, and both players have all of them
-No wind.
-Falling tanks not implemented (attemped, but doesn't work yet).
-No scoring system.
-No cool tank death effects.
-No menu system.
-All human players (anyone up for writing some Artificial Intelligence for
this game?)
If you want to try implementing some of this yourself, go ahead. I'd rather
be playing a good working version than spending weeks trying to get things
working myself! Take a look at the source; I'm not an expert programmer,
believe me! Any help on the analog stick usage would be nice. I also hope
to add some sort of Wi-Fi play feature in the future, but that's most likely
a ways off, if ever.
The homepage of Scorched Earth is
, but the file is available (it's shareware, so it's not illegal) can be
obtained at .
The program is made for DOS, so you may need a copy of MOSLO or similar
to run it on a current computer.
Up / Down: Change shot power. Holding L-Trigger makes it go faster.
Left / Right: Change angle. Holding L-Trigger makes it go faster.
SQUARE / CIRCLE: Change Weapon.
TRIANGLE: Clears screen of weapon traces.
START: Go to next round after the round is over.
Thanks to:
Wendell Hicken, who (I think) made the PC version of Scorched Earth.
Shine, since my knowledge of PSP programming came from dissecting his Snake
The people who did the Hello World demo (Saturn Expedition Committee?),
since Snake, and thus Scorched, uses stuff from their demo.
Jeremy Chin, because I borrowed the trig functions from his Render source.
Sin and Cos are important, so stay in school, kids!
The people writing emulators for the PSP. They're answering the call for
faster SNES's and better Genesis's, and improving everying else also!
The PSP homebrew community (many different sites).
My dad, for spending countless hours of virtual combat in the PC version.
Sony, for making a sturdy handheld (even if you try to stop up from making
our own games for it.)
People from, and from Let the fighting stop
between the two sites, already!
Anime fansubbing groups. Sonic X and Rockman.exe lose something being dubbed
into English.
The Sonic community.
Anyone who recognizes me from
And you.
See the readme for this same thing, plus some notes on the programming.
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