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PSP Homebrew
Name = PSP Roulette
Authors /Website = Frank death /

Downloads = September 19th 2005 Here
v0.1 Discuss Here -->
Information = --------------------------------------
PSP Roulette v0.1
By FrankDeath (
This is my first game for the psp and also
my first time programming in lua.
Roulette is not a game you can beat (if you play
it for long enough, you will eventually lose).
It seemed like the perfect game for the psp. You
can lose all the virtual money you want and
hopefully never feel the need to lose money at it
in real life.
I have only tested it with LUA 0.9
Please send questions, comments suggestions
This game has been packaged to run from lowser
so you'll need to have luaplayer installed to
run it. Simply copy the "PSP Roulette" directory
to your lua applications directory on your memory
stick and then launch it from lowser.
D-pad: Navigates the roulette table
L: Decreases the bet amount
R: Increases the bet amount
X: Places a bet
O: Removes a bet
Triangle: Changes the current player
Square: Spins the roulette wheel
Select: Displays a help screen
Start: Exits the game
1. What is roulette?
2. Where is the ball?
I plan to add an animation of the roulette ball
in a future version. It will be included when
I can animate it landing on the correct number.
3. Why do the graphics/colors suck?
I am not an artist. If you've got graphics or
color schemes that you think are better than the
default ones, please email them to me. I'll be
happy to include them in future versions.
4. $5000 isn't enough. How do I increase the
starting amount?
My high scores so far are $320,000 when playing
as a single player and $1.7 million when playing
all 3 players so I think $5000 is a reasonable
starting amount. Email me if you still want to
change it and I'll tell you which lines to edit
in the script. In the next release I plan to
clean up the code to make it much easier to
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