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PSP Homebrew
Name = PSP OTO
Authors /Website = Shikkuru

Downloads =Oto Test 2 August 21st 2005 Here
It supports playback of OggVorbis, MP3, MIDI, WAV (Uncompressed).
Square - Pause
Select - Change play mode (normal/repeat all/repeat 1)
Startup is still very slow. Bugs are not totally resolved. Memory recycle
might be forgotten.
Ported TiMidity++, so MIDI player software is no longer needed.
Here August 9th 2005
Information =audio player for the PSP.
PSP oto is an audio player made of xkazoku's sound playing GUI. It supports
playback of OggVorbis, MP3, MIDI, WAV (Uncompressed).Since the program supports
too many formats, the startup speed is fairly slow. Response speed is also
a bit lagging.
PSP v1.5 EBOOT is not included. Please convert by yourself if needed.
How to Startup:
Copy the "psp_oto" folder into ms0:/PSP/GAME/. You can rename
the folder name to whatever you want. If you want to use other TrueType
fonts, please copy them to the the same folder with the eboot and rename
them to "default.ttf".
*When playing MIDI files
timidity GUS/patch is necessary. Please search timidity
installation files for yourself.
Place "timidty.cfg" in the folder. Remember to modify the contents
with the "dir" tag to this:
E.g. if "timidity GUS/patch" is in ms0:/timidity
Change the content to:
dir ms0:/timidity
dir ms0:/timidity/inst/GUS
dir ms0:/timidity/inst
dir ms0:/timidity/inst/test
Please modify all these lines to run correctly. And you need to specify
the location of "timidity GUS/patch" in the program too.
*Key Control
D-Pad Up/Down: Folder/file select
Circle: OK/Play
Cross: Stop
Triangle: Up one folder
Home: Exit
* About Font
Windows TrueType font is needed.
E.g. Config the program to us "ms0:/PSP/GAME/psp_oto/default.ttf".
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