PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
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PSP Homebrew
Name = PSP Media Centre
Authors /Website = John_K& adresd (unknown web
at time)
Downloads = Here v0.87
July 14th 2005
Fixed a bug with skip tune, introduced with last version.
Added a Loop/Advance mode to playing, so can either loop a song, or advance
down playlist.
This is on the triangle button, shows LOOP or ADVANCE in top right corner
of screen.
Sorted out mikmod display functions and timer.
Added subdirectory support to filescanning in the debug gui, now everything
below ms0:/PSP/MUSIC/ will be scanned.
Fixed some minor problems with AHX playback
Headphone Remote support added.
Reworked the extension handling, to allow more than one extension per codec.
STSound and MikMod Library Support added.
Altered media list sorting.
Here Ver0.82 July 4th
Here Ver0.5
June 23rd 2005
Information = Media Centre for the PSP.
PSPMediaCenter by John_K & adresd
v0.5b - June 23 2005
Currently plays MP3s, MODs and partially OGGs (they jitter).
Uses libMad, Tremor and adresd's MOD code.
Place media files in /PSP/MUSIC but not in a subdir.
For MODs, only .mod will work. AHX support is in the works.
only 44khz files are currently supported, although others
may partially work.
Greetz to the #pspdev and #ps2dev crews! -
The Hottest DCEmu Posters