PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
commercial games for the PSP and all the downloads on this site,
we also cover commercial gaming and console news. Part of the
DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network.
PSP Homebrew
Name = PSP Lua Magazine
Authors /Website = HERE

Downloads = Issue 2 2nd December 2005
After a LONG wait, ISSUE 2. What's new? A new section called "coding
4 n00bs" with small code example fully commented, and a off-topic section,
that has video reviews.
Here Issue 1 October 31st 2005
Information = Off-poor has released his magazine for the PSP, called
PSP Lua Magazine. I bet you can guess what it's about. In this issue, there
a few game reviews and an interview with Shine, the maker of Lua Player.
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