PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
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PSP Homebrew
Name = PSP-Kick
Authors /Website = PSP Kick Team

Downloads =
V2.0 1st October 2005
2.00 - Welcome to the new PSPKick.
New features:
1) User interface is now fully skinable and new skins can be set while using
2) Users can now create their own sound packs.
3) A fully functioning song mode has been implemented that allows users
to chain together their patterns in any order to create full songs and save
them for later.
4) Songs can be exported as .wav and .mid to the memory stick.
5) Samples can now be auditioned while the pattern is playing.
6) Users can now modify pitch, amplitude and panning with the analog stick.
7) A chaser light has been added to show place in pattern.
8) Name of current sample in use is highlighted.
9) Help screens for all 4 menus have been drawn.
10) Many more samples are included by musicians and composers from throughout
the world.
11) Anti-aliased fonts are now used.
12) Graphics were updated with an even more futuristic look.
13) Two levels of Accent are now available.
14) Now includes User's Manual.
Changes/Bug fixes:
1) The sound engine was completely overhauled and now runs faster, smoother
and better than before.
V1.0B HERE 6th july 2005 (updated now
works on all PSPs v1.0 and v1.5 )
Information =
Drum Machine for PSP.
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