PSP News is a News and downloads site for the
Playstation Portable, We have all the latest emulators, homebrew,
commercial games for the PSP and all the downloads on this site,
we also cover commercial gaming and console news. Part of the
DCEmu Homebrew & Gaming Network.
PSP Homebrew and Hacking Pages
App Name = PSP Homebrew 9
Authors Website =
PSP Homebrew 9 is a free PSP homebrew management application.
It can manage and copy your PSP homebrew applications between
your PC and PSP.

Downloads = Latest File
0.8 Changelog:
Added: Sort Icons (Corrupted Icons at Bottom)
Added: Move PBP Icon to top or Bottom
Donate = Help the team by Donating at this Page
Information = PSP Homebrew 9 was developed by Sajeeth
Cherian, a communication engineering student at Carleton University,
as well as the founder and lead developer of the video distribution
software, Videora.
Development of PSP Homebrew 9 would not be possible without
the help of many individuals and groups including: ChaosKnight
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